Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sexual Violence in the Peace Corps

Having more than one close tie to the peace corp, this shook me to the bones...more people need to know.

Sexual Violence in the Peace Corps

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Every day I get one step closer to starting to write the book that will change your life.

 I just don't know where to begin....but I know God won't kill me off until I finish it. So the longer I put it off the longer i live!! or something like that

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Beauty Queen

My friend Kayla, competed in the Miss America pagent this past weekend. I went to high school with Kayla and there has been all sorts of buzz about the fact that she's bald...I found this video of her on 20/20 and HAD to share it because I think Kayla shares a great message and because 20/20 is my favorite!!!

Congrats on making it as far as you did Kayla!

Friday, January 14, 2011


I have been having dinner with people I don't normally see this week. I think when you don't see someone for a long time you realize that when you see each other your conversation should be rich and deep because you don't know when you will see each other again; and because so much has happened since the last time you saw that person.

I like seeing old friends because it reminds me of how much God has been working in my life and in others, of how much I have changed and how many things in my life have changed; some good, some bad. I love eating good food and listening to a person talk about their life from their perspective, it is honestly one of my favorite things.

This week while I was participating in my favorite activity of eating and talking, a friend said something that has really stuck with me all week.. "you can't follow a Christian who follows Christ, you have to just follow Christ" While you should learn from other Christians, follow their years of wisdom and education, following them or pouring over every single word their say or write is dangerous. Because, to put it bluntly, they will be wrong at some point, you need to learn what your faith is. You need to know what the Bible says.

I'm learning this. Many times I don't want to do the hard work. I don't want to research, I don't want to read multiple sources, I don't want to read Leviticus. But I have to, but I need to know what Christ says, not what Tim Keller or Francis Chan or Matt Chandler say about Christ. I need to be grounded in Him first and grow from other perspectives after.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

ryan adams on repeat

Ryan Adams melts my heart. Really and truly. I have been listening to him on repeat this week and there are two songs I'm obsessing over...Two and Desire.

Here are some excerpts from my new obsessions...

And i'm fractured from the fall
And i wanna go home
But it takes two when it used to take one
It takes two when it used to take only one

You know me. You don't mind waiting.
You just can't show me, but God I'm praying,
That you'll find me, and that you'll see me
That you run and never tire.

If I had Ryan Adams and Deb Talan singing me to sleep every night for the rest of my life I could die a happy person.