Wednesday, December 8, 2010

its cold out. wear a coat!

December 21 marks the first day of winter. So I would like to know why when I woke up this morning, on December 8, the temperature on the ever so accurate read "27 degrees".  I have been holding off getting my winter coat out until it was officially winter but this is getting ridiculous. I'm cold. I had to do it. This morning I went in my basement and found my winter coat.  It's AMAZING how much warmer I was in a winter coat....and my red and white mittens of course.

I do love this time of year because of the season (see below post) but also to see the kind of bundling people come up with! It's amazing to see the kind of lengths people will go to to stay warm..its always funny to watch a grown person waddling due to excessive layers.

For now, I leave you with the best video I have seen in a while. Mainly because it reminds me of when my friends and I go out to Plough and Stars...two of the people are literally doing the same move that I thought Sarah Pisano wrong was i?!

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