Everything at the mission is going really well, I love my job and my coworkers...it gets a little draining calling people, but I take frequent breaks that I don't really have time for :) But Angie (awesome case manager I share an office with) and I have the best talks and it makes my day seem a lot easier than it would if I didn't have anyone to talk to. Yesterday Dave Hong and Jay Ford came to visit Denver and Dave asked me how I deal with my job and all the heartbreaking stories I constantly hear...and it definitely helps being able to talk to someone else about whats going on and be affirmed in my sadness or frustration...depending on the client. I have a had a lot of tough cases lately...but I have been able to deal with them especially with so many familiar faces around Denver this past week :)
Friday...My Aunt Barbara came to town to "Spoil me" and holy crap did she ever. We went to an arts festival and an awesome Ethiopian Restaurant on Friday night and met some crazy people. Bust fun.
Saturday was long but so great. We explored Denver until there was nothing left to see, breakfast, pumpkin picking, shopping and went "hiking" in Boulder falls..so great. And then the Phillies lost :(
Sunday was an unexpected amazing day. Church, nap, and two random visitors from Maryland. Two amazing guys who I never realized were as amazing as they are until this weekend. We went to the Botanical Gardens and took tons of pictures........it was all Mike's idea. Mike who spells his last name wrong. And Reid, whos last name is actually Richards...His real name is actually Reid Paul William Richards Klopp and we have a cooler high five than you.
All in all Denver is challenging me. In such good ways and I have time and opportunity to really think about things and struggle with them and question them. Isaiah 40 has become a passage that I constantly look and and think oh my goodness I just want more. And then today when I was calling churches back...I stumbled across a website of this awesome church. They had their congregation sleep out. They invited members to come with only a pair of tennis shoes, pants, t shirt and a long sleeve shirt. then people from the community brought some blankets and food supplies, but not everyone had something...they only had what the community brought. And to top it off, the church had two cops come in the middle of the night, turn on their sirens and "rough them up" a little.....just to show them how it feels. They used this as a fundraiser and raised over $1300 to give to our program and donated all the blankets and supplies to our downtown shelter. Now that is visible love. On their website I found this....
Ignoring the problem won't fix it.
-------------Saturday, October 6, 2007-----------------
Love reveals itself in works of mercy. Among such works are to feed the hungry, to give drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked, to visit and help the sick and the imprisoned, to give refuge to the homeless, and to be concerned about orphans. All this should be done with sincere and unselfish love, without any boasting or expectations of gratitude.
beautiful. You have read a lot now, I'm going to leave you with some more pictures of my week :)
This is Boulder with weird box headed people playing music and dancing.
Three generations of social workers....me, my aunt and Alice. We went to see a play and Alice is awesome...she was my grandmothers best friend and travel buddy back in the dayokay and my computer is being weird and i am on a time constraint so more pictures will be coming next time...
ps anyone can leave comments :)
Wow Carolyn! sounds like you are having a great time! i'm very jealous of you and wish i could do something like that. maybe i will someday!
I was reading about that scum of the earth church. it looks very interresting. it looks like the place i would probably go to if i lived in denver!
Carolyn---you have more random boys visit you then any girl i know....what's your secret?? :) (HAH)
love you and miss you!!!!
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