Thursday, April 30, 2009

i have neglected the blogging because i hate the term "to blog" and two because it is finals week and three because I have been crazy busy with work, invisible children, and not sleeping.
broad street run this weekend.
and here are some pictures from THE RESCUE! after 27 hours, we were totally rescued by Congressman Patrick Murphy who gave the best speech ever and I was seriously almost in tears. I ended the night with Franklin Fountain ice cream and a pleasant conversation by the pier, followed by some good drinks at Tria...overall awesome weekend, can't really complain :)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Rescue..

you should read this or at least watch the videos....

Some of you may know about the organization Invisible Children...I have been following it since college and since then have been able to be apart of a couple of their peaceful protests....

Rescue Riders from Jason Russell on Vimeo.

Previous peaceful protests include the Global Night Commute and Displace are some awesome pictures from displace me in DC, ask me about it and I will tell you..I will also tell you about the saltine crackers that I had for breakfast and dinner the night before....we were purposefully starving ourselves

this year's protest is right here in's called The Rescue. I am pretty excited about it and I think you should be too. I will be camping out at independence hall with hundreds of other people. The beginning of the march starts in camden and we will walk over the ben franklin bridge to independence mall to sleep overnight and start a movement by making our voices heard. If you have no idea what Invisible children is all about or the injustice going on in Uganda, talk to me about it or go to their website.
If you are the type of person who needs the DETAILS.... go here

or just watch this...

Monday, April 20, 2009

A tribute to Youtube

Along with the Sarah Palin rap (see below) there are a few videos I waste my time watching in life...and I wanted to share them with you so that you can see what I do instead of studying...

These are the videos that waste my life. And I love them.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Design my next tattoo

The human mind is weird. You can know things, and know you know them and still not believe them. It interesting how easily you can talk yourself into or out of something no matter how much evidence falls against it. This can be a positive and negative in life I suppose. The doubter who still believes in God although everyone around him/her says not to or it can be negative in that we convince ourselves that our worth lies in what others think of us, no matter how much we know it is not true...i dont know that any of that stream of consciousness made sense. So to dumb the conversation down a little...yesterday, while I was doing laundry, I hung up some clothes I don't like to dry and realized I wear too much black.

Also, I have been seriously itching to get another seriously. And I have so many creative friends, I wonder why I don't utilize them more. So help me. I want it on the inside of my wrist kind of. I was thinking about using the verse Exodus 14:14 but i don't know....send me your ideas, you sketches...if i pick yours, then i'll give you credit..thats about all I can afford right now. free credit.

I can't stop listening to:
Dinner & a Suit: The Bridge
This American Life

Monday, April 13, 2009

A little late, but we heard this in church on Sunday and it's a good Easter reminder....

if the resurrection is true than nothing else in this life matters, if the resurrection is false, than nothing else in this life matters.

Today I slept until noon. That was over 12 hours of sleep because I hadn't slept in 4 days...I think my body is going to be a little off, but it was SO worth it. But now it is 1:23 and I have to work at basically I slept through my whole day.

Andrea and I made up a new language because of my new obsession with the song maps. The words are: They don't love you like i love you, so we're just gonna say "maps" instead of telling each other how much we adore each other...saves time, adds to my obsession. basically a win-win situation.

In closing, here are highlights of my Easter Sunday.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

the run report

my knees are so swollen. Katie and I decided to do our "long run" of the week today. We were all set up for 8 miles. I ran about 7.5 of them, while she ran all 8....I have been getting pretty sick and I think I'm running on literally a total of 10 hours of sleep over the past 3 nights between socializing, writing this dag on research paper, and working the opening shifts at Karma 3 mornings in a row...I am hurting!! Needless to say...I couldn't do the last .5 miles...which in retrospect I probably should of, but I honestly think my knee caps would have fallen off...on Washington st...and that really ruins a perfectly pleasant Easter Sunday.

Speaking of Easter...I will post pictures soon of the shenanigans that took place at 2228 when the Larrivee's decided to pay a visit for the holiday...just not now. Now I must write about Asperger's Syndrome.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

wait...they dont love you like i love you

My latest obsession is.......skateboarding. I want to really learn so bad. I always say that and I get on a board and I ride for a while and then 3 years go by and I do it again. I need consistency. I need a longboard. I am serious about this.

Also. I am trying to write a graduate level research paper in one night. not a good idea.

And i love rain, just not at 6am when I have to walk to work...i know the old saying april showers bring may flowers...but enough is enough.

another sidenote...i am OBSESSED with the yeah yeah yeah's song: maps. i know im like 2 years late or whatever..but i cant stop listening.

Friday, April 10, 2009

My brightest diamond

When I was in Colorado I used to retreat a lot. I was under a lot of stress, but as long as I "got away" (aka out of the city) then I was fine. It was just something I did, I didn't realize it was something I had to do.
I went on a retreat yesterday. I started the day with prayer and then I discovered Wissahickon Park right outside of Philly. A Lot of people have been telling me I needed to go if I like to be outside or hiking but I never felt like I had time. But the stressors of life proved to be greater than expected during my time in Philly and no stress reliever I had found so far seemed to be working as well as when I would "get away" in Colorado. So I went. And this is what I discovered.

I walked, wandered aimlessly for hours. I prayed. I read. I reflected. I was refreshed. There were no people and no building and no cars and no noise. It was a beautiful oasis and it was exactly what I needed. I had been feeling a little overwhelmed and heavy burned over the past couple days, it had been a hard week, but Wissahickon delivered something beautiful. A diamond in the rough if you will..

Afterwards, I had lunch with Haley, which always brightens up my day, sat in traffic for 2 hours, had class, and then went to the Maundy Thursday Service at Liberti. Incredible. Sometimes I think its easy to forget what Easter is actually about. We prayed and reflected on the gravity of the cross and what Jesus celebrated, sacrificed, and accomplished over these past 4 days...(the last supper, the death, and the resurrection). What a beautiful extreme show of love. It is something I don't quite understand, but being in that room with the candles, the scripture and the other people made me feel like I wasn't alone in this confusion and glorious gift that He so freely gave all who believe (Ephesians 2:8). This is a much bigger weekend than most people give credit to...I'm glad I went yesterday to reflect on it.

Then I watched one of the best episodes of the Office I have seen in a long time (Click on the link to watch)

And ended the night at this little bar with Jojo and Richard and all of his co workers called Sugar Mom's in Olde City and it was actually really fun. Jo discovered some old connections, Robbie showed me how to bust a move and told Jo she had no skills. We also found an old favorite, photo all in all my night could not have been much better.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

all signs point to serve

Today I had all day off with no plans and my only plan was to start and finish my research paper for my class due at the end of the week...did i do that? no. i did not. But i did get a cool new nose ring

but i did rediscover my yearning and desire to serve others in a tangible way. I had a slight taste of it today and all I can say is I want more. Its like a drug for me. I feel as though God is showing me a great calling of mine is to serve and when I'm not doing it I feel a bit like a fish out of water....or like a joel without a guitar, a haley without some honey, a andrea without dance, a katie without music, a Jo without Ralph Lauren, well you get the picture..

Saturday, April 4, 2009

i miss my time here.


tomorrow at 1505 Kater at should come see this movie. Free pizza and beer. come on. AND come to church before at 4...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I don't think I could make one more list of all the things that I need to get done in the next 2 weeks. Its overwhelming and all I want to do is sleep, so I keep putting things off and being too social. I gotta cut that out. I wish I could major in talking.

The other day I got home from my run when I realized the steel bar on the side of my knee brace had come out the bottom. I was not about to buy another one, so I decided to sew it up. But I thought to myself...this thread will just unsew itself yet again and I will be annoyed. So I put my thinking cap on and I remembered back to my ballet days of sewing pointe shoes and remembered dental floss. Thats right. I always sewed my pointe shoes with dental floss because it doesn't break! And the worst thing in the middle of a performance is having your ribbons/straps come un-sewn. But all I use now is green minty dental floss. So now my brace smells like mint and is partially green down the least im helping it practice good hygiene or something.

on a side note...i miss dance more and more...if there is one thing i regret in my life, it is not continuing to dance..i need to get back into it. now.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

im pregnant.

april fools. ha